You Don't Mess with the Cobbler

One of the worst experiences a
picky eater can have, other than being asked to go to dinner at a restaurant,
is getting invited over to someone’s house to have dinner. Gosh, all these food
invites need to STAHP.
It’s one thing to be picky and
to be very particular of what to order at a restaurant, but it is a completely
different story when someone is cooking you a meal. It can be really insulting
when one doesn’t eat the meal given and I feel like I always run into this
issue. There have been several circumstances in my lifetime that I have had to
choke down some food somewhere without literally being ill. Sometimes it can be
a good experience to try new things, but 9 times out of 10 I would rather die.

So here I am getting super
excited about dessert because like who doesn’t love dessert. So here it is,
peach cobbler, fresh out the oven. YUMMY. I get up to go grab my bowl of peach
cobbler and that’s when it hit me. THEY PUT ICE CREAM ALL OVER MY PEACH
COBBLER. THIS IS LITERALLY A HEART BREAKER. Literally could feel the anxiety
building up and depression set in. my friend bust out laughing but this was not
a laughing matter.
Moral of the story:

If you’re
going to invite people over, they might be picky… let them make their own
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