10 Things NOT to Say to a Picky Eater

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Don’t mind me being a Negative Nancy over here but there are some things that seem to amaze me that people ask. Here is another adventure from the life of a picky eater. These are just some of the silly questions I get as told by New Girl.

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1. "You’re just being difficult"

Correction, I am not being difficult as you don’t see me trying to stuff things in your face that you aren’t a fan of. It’s no different than one not liking the way clothing items look or going to certain places. It just so happens I like certain food, end of story.

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2. "How can you eat *insert food here* if you don’t like your food touching?"

This is the most frequent question I receive. When I say I don’t like my food touching, I mean I don’t want my potatoes touching my steak or my ranch touching my wing sauce. So when you ask STUPID questions like how do you eat a cheeseburger because its touching, it makes me want to slap you.

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3. "It all goes to the same place"

This statement doesn’t even make sense to me. I am currently unsure how people taste the food that is already in their gut but that doesn’t happen to me. I only taste food one at a time. That does not make up for me not liking the way something tastes together. If I don’t want things touching, then they’re not going to touch.

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4. "You better not tell your boyfriend your eating habits"

L O L. This one is gold. My eating habits are my life. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you on the ass.

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5. "You’re a cheap date"

Your point? I am just helping you out.

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6. "It’s chicken"

Dad, why did you lie to me all of these years?! Every dinner was “what we eating?” his response: “eat it. Its chicken!” … no you just made me eat little bunny foo foo because I thought it was chicken! Lying to your children about what they are consuming is NOT okay. Especially when you’re using their favorite food against them!!!

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7. "You don’t know what you’re missing"

I’m not missing anything because I don’t want to eat it…  That means more for you so why be upset?

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8. "Will you order something besides chicken?"

Absolutely not.

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9. "You’re so bland"

Maybe I do like vanilla flavors and don’t get creative with mixing my meals, but who is complaining? I never have issues at restaurants about ordering something and not liking it because I know exactly what I want and how it tastes since I order the basic.

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10. "There are people here starving and you won’t eat this?"

You’re not going to guilt trip me into eating something. It’s not a “I don’t like it.” My situation is that I am a picky eater. I do not like my food touching. I do not like trying new things and I stick to the basic. In reality, you should feel bad for wasting food when trying to make me eat it instead of sharing with the starving people you are referring to. 

Stay tuned for more adventures of the picky eater! :D 

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