Keep Calm and DON'T Eat the Food

The one thing I think I hate more than restaurant dates is
ordering food when traveling. The summer before my senior year, my dad gave me the
opportunity to go adventuring for a little while… and what I mean by
adventuring is I spent 19 days in Europe, exploring within the culture of five different
countries. I was so excited for my trip that I completely forgot how hard it is
for me to eat at home let alone in a different country. Since I was traveling
on behalf of an ambassador program, the only food options I got was regular or
the vegetarian option. As I started to consider the different types of food, I realized
that I have to at least try the foods in front of me… I mean, this is a once in
a life time adventure.
I know what you’re thinking… this is a typical meal even
eaten in the U.S. I know. The difference is I am overseas therefore I have to
try it. If anyone knows me, I do NOT eat anything that comes out of water and
is fishy… Salmon is one of those things. I decided that I am just going to go
all out and took a huge bite. What a HORRIBLE IDEA. I thought I was going to be
sick and did not eat anymore after that bite. The consistency of salmon is
gross and I have no idea how anyone would eat this… where is my chicken nuggets
right now.
Clams with ham pizza
In my days of pizza eating, I do not think I have ever
experienced clams as one of those things to be served alongside pizza. I am a
typical go to pepperoni pizza eater and if I had known ahead of time they were
only going to serve ham, I would have definitely chosen the vegetarian option. Since
a lot of people I know eat clams, I figured I would give it a try. I looked at
my friends and we all tried the clams together. Again, the texture of this was
absolutely horrible. Personally I wasn’t the worst food I had eaten but like
why fix something that’s not broken? Pizza can definitely be served on its own
with no need of a side. But on another note, the ham was so juicy I couldn’t
even get my bite of pizza down. Ham should only be served with potatoes and not
on pizza. End of story.
Squid ink pasta
The experience of eating squid ink pasta will be a moment I
will never forget in my lifetime. Just picture this, a group of my friends and I
sit down in this restaurant and get our pasta in Italy. It looks just like any
other pasta but with a black sauce. At this point in the trip, I am STOKED. Finally
something normal I can just pig out on. Don’t get me wrong, typically I am a no
sauce on my pasta kind of girl but this is a special circumstance. I take a big
spoon full of my pasta and shove it in my mouth. There is this weird
consistency with it and I look down to see little tentacles from a SMALL SQUID.
WTH ARE THESE PEOPLE FEEDING ME. We had some extra time to go shopping after
our meal so I literally left the table and went to the nearest shop in Italy to
order a large pepperoni pizza and stuffed my face. Yes, I did just spend my
shopping money on a pizza. I felt starved after some of these experiences and
couldn’t take it anymore.

I think I was most surprised at myself for trying escargot
on my adventures in Europe. For those of you that do not know, escargot is
snail. So I, the girl that eats chicken nuggets and pickles religiously, made
the attempt to try snail. Not only did I decide to go out of my comfort zone to
try this, but we physically had to take a toothpick and SCRAPE the snail out of
its shell to eat. So I got it scraped out, plugged my nose, and put that sucker
in my mouth. It was this moment in time where I thought I was literally dying. Why
do people eat these things? Physically scraping things out of their homes to
nom…. Officially DONE with life after this eating experience.
From this experience, I have learned a lot about myself and
my picky eating.
1. Thank god I had a friend on the trip to eat all of the food
I couldn’t eat.
2. Super thankful for my dad to put extra money in my bag so I
could buy food instead of souvenirs.
3. Having those little farmers markets outside of our hotels
was definitely worth it…. lived off of fruit for 19 days…
4. I will stick to what I know…. NUGS N FRIES FOREVER. Screw
being adventurous with food.
I have many mixed feelings about ordering food abroad. I have had some of the best meals I've ever had in my life overseas (pasta in Italy, crepes in France, etc.), but I definitely can relate to some of the bad experiences you're talking about! Mostly the escargot, when I tried it for the first time I got sick immediately. I have no idea how people can stand that stuff, I'll stick to their crepes.