Don't Knock It Til You Try It

As a picky eater,
I tend to have a lot of rules for what foods I will or will not eat. Based on
previous posts, one would think my typical diet consists of chicken tenders and
lettuce. The very basic meal for a picky eater. With that being said, I also
enjoy some rather unusual snacks compared to the average person.

Pickle Juice
You’re probably
wondering why this is on my list when the blog is about the adventures of picky
eating. Well, if you know me, you know that I am OBSESSED with pickles. Dill
pickles are my comfort food at any occasion. You see me at a family event? I probably
have a handful of pickles in my hand or even the jar. Not only do I eat the
pickles, but I drink the juice. We can’t be wasteful here ;) I get a straw and
stick it right in the jar to drink. Yeah, it’s probably weird. But I love the
tart flavor of pickle juice and hey! It has a lot of electrolytes.

Popcorn with Nacho
This snack brings
me back to high school football games on Friday Nights. Most people would
consider the typical popcorn with extra butter. But let me tell you, you are
missing out. I used to go up to the concession stand and order a bag of popcorn
and a side of nacho cheese. It literally takes concession stand snacks to a new
level. The trick here is that you order the cheese on the side so the popcorn
doesn’t get soggy. Next time you’re at a game, I highly recommend it. It’ll change
your life.
Parmesan Butter
I know this is
probably one of the weirder snacks that I eat. When I was younger, my brothers
would always eat tacos and here I am, being the picky person that I am,
dreading taco nights. Until I figured out this yummy hack. I was never a fan of
the taco seasoning we put on our meat so I would grab myself a soft tortilla
and cook it in the microwave for 15 seconds to warm it up. I think put a thin
layer of butter on the tortilla and caked it in Parmesan cheese. (I was one of
those kids who just scooped up handfuls of Parmesan cheese when I was younger
so this is normal for me.) I would then roll it up like a little burrito and
dig right in. I know it is not the best meal for you, but it has been a very
satisfying food ever since I discovered it when I was little. Still make it to
this day at Bradley.

Raw Potatoes
Raw potatoes are
amazing. How this strange snack started, I am completely unsure. All I remember
is being younger and stealing the potatoes off the counter and biting into them
when my dad would make homemade mashed potatoes. I peel the potatoes and cut
them into thicker potato chip slices and cover them with salt. I then sit on
the couch and eat them just as I would regular potato chips. It is super weird,
I know, but I love it and it’s the best part of making any homemade potato

From these unique
cravings, it is essential to know that every person is different. Yes, there is
a classification between what is “normal” and what is considered a picky eater,
but even that is a broad spectrum. Every person has their own strange cravings
and their own fun meals that many others may or may not have tried. Just remember,
don’t knock it til you try it!
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